Monday, January 19, 2009

Me, In a Nutshell

So, K has done a nice job of kicking this blog off since I was rocking the big H.O. (as in hangover, not whore) yesterday. Anyway, I thought it would be best to share a little bit about myself so that you (assuming that someone aside from K & I read this) can understand me, thus ultimately allowing you to understand my point of view. Also, aside from alluding to my affinity for trashy reality television, I'm not sure K has done me justice. Here's me, in a nutshell:

1.) I LOVE lists, top 10 lists, the ten commandments, grocery lists, any list televised on E!; so I thought it would be befitting that I do this in list format. Please note: I DESPISE to-do lists - I find them to be overwhelming and stressful.

2.) I am an extremist... I strive for a happy medium, but struggle to find the balance.

3.) My inner creative genius is being suppressed as I waste my youth in a cubicle. I plan to find my passion and pursue that... but, it's taking me a little longer than planned to get there. Plus, I like nice things and a starving artist's salary is not conducive to that (see, there are those extremes again).

4.) Martha Stewart and Bree Van De Kamp get it. Cleanliness, simplicity, symmetry, and elegance are of the utmost importance. Moreover, I love to cook and entertain and look forward to the juncture in my life when that is more commonplace. I will have killer dinner parties and my home that looks like the Pottery Barn catalog, well, except for the kitchen which will be decorated from Williams-Sonoma.

5.) I am super preppy. I grew-up in the Land of Milk & Honey, Connecticut, and believe in (in no particular order) popped collars, critters, pearls, plaid, seersucker, J.Crew, cable-knit sweaters, and then layering as many of articles of clothing as possible before leaving the house. A true prep never has less than two layers on. Now, it would be great if K would stop resisting my advances, and embraced his inner prep.

6.) I read Perez Hilton religiously. I have an insatiable thirst for celebrity gossip. Perez, TMZ, comprise my favorites list. But, seriously, nothing really puts life in perspective like a trainwreck starlet.

7.) I went to Catholc School; leaving me very sheltered. Innuendo is lost on me.

8.) Nothing tastes better than the first Sam Summer of the season, unless of course it's something covered in cheese.

9.) This one's a stretch, but stay with me... I believe in a thing called LOVE. However, I am by no means a hopeless romantic. But, having met K at a frat party (yeah, I know - it's a story for the grandkids), we're living proof that love can happen anywhere... And that is why I watch trashy reality TV, especially of the dating variety. Who says drunk ex-strippers, gold diggers, and has-been musicians don't deserve love, too? I'm in no position to deny them that. Ok... so that's partly the reason, as I said before nothing puts your life in perspective like a trainwreck.

10.) I firmly believe that the economy and world will right itself in 2009 because Brit is back. America's Sweetheart is back on top... things are looking up. Trust me.

So, keep all of the above in mind, when reading my posts. It will make it all make sense. Well, maybe. Enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. No, this is me in a nutshell, Oh, how did I get in this nutshell.


Just don't swear or say anything racist so I can still read this at work.