Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Lost is back tonight. I don't know what I can say about this show. It's richly layered and researched storytelling are only matched by it's sheer absurdity at times. It's commitment to character development can be both meritable and infuriating. (Wait, so you just spent an entire episode telling me how Hurley's dad sucked, when last week you revealed that one dude can see the future !?!?) This show has given me more WTF moments than I can remember, but somehow I keep coming back. I haven't given up on it like 24. (Seriously guys, I cannot get a cell signal on the T, but you can make unlimited phone calls from an underground concrete bunker?) It's like that girl who is hot, but crazy. She may have a smoking bod and a pretty face, but she might murder you in your sleep too. I didn't get into the show until the third season, borrowed the first, watched it in three days, and downloaded the second off of Itunes. I've also sworn it off, said I hate it, and mocked it outlandishness. I can't tell if this is romance or Battered Woman Syndrome.

In just the previous season, the complexity has gone up exponentially. If you watch Lost, try to sum up the entire show to a friend in under a half hour; impossible. Even so, me, Johnny Walker, and a island with paternal ghosts?, a mechanical smoke monster, people who can time travel, a four-toed statue (yeah, remember), a pit of massacred scientists, a slave ship with dynamite in it, a drug-running plane, and an apparently endless supply of electromagnetic power and food for Hurley to eat have a date tonight.

Update: See, Hurley tried to explain to his mom what happened this whole time in under two minutes and ended up looking like a crazy person; impossible.


C, you better put up a reality show review or something soon because I am dominating right now.

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Just don't swear or say anything racist so I can still read this at work.