Tuesday, September 22, 2009


If your cardiovascular system was designed the way the Greater Boston area's roads were, you would have had the sweet release of death you crave while waiting in traffic many years ago.

Seriously Boston, all of the highways bottleneck coming into the city; that's the opposite of sense. Why would you try to clog all of the roadways that lead to the central hub of the region? Route 93 goes down to 2(!) lanes - if you exclude exit only lanes - in the middle of the god damn city and the speed limit drops to 35 at one point in the Ted Williams tunnel. Thirty f'n five, what kind of major thruway is two lanes with a 35 mph speed limit. If your Aorta was designed this way you would drop dead from an aneurysm.

Your argument could be they are making the most with what they have, but after $22 Billion for the Big Dig, I would like to traverse 93 at highway speed all the way through the city.

Side Note: If I see one more story in the Metro about bicycle advocates trying make Boston more bike friendly, I am going to take a bulldozer to any bike rack I see. We need to get these people off the streets. It is already bad enough cyclists have a day each year where they can ride around mob style and motorists don't have a day where they can run them over.


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Just don't swear or say anything racist so I can still read this at work.