Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shaw's and Taylor Swift

Alright, we are back at Random Tandem, well, at least I am. After a long, CFA-induced coma, the posts will be coming back. So, be ready, our zero readers. I have a good excuse, but when I asked C to post, she would just say, "when do I have time?" and go back to watching Daisy of Love reruns. What do you get for your monk-like patience, banal humor bonus double post!

Here we go. Why are there never enough lanes open at the supermarket? I have been to the grocery store under all kinds of circumstances: after work, weekend, daytime, nighttime, in my sweatpants wearing my iPod, around the holidays when the manager has to direct people and looks like he wants to kill himself. Never, I repeat never, even during the previously mentioned close-to-pre-hurricane-level traffic at Shaw's has there been enough lanes open to accommodate a speedy checkout. I know there is a science to queueing and you don't want to pay idle employees, but for the love of Christ, I wouldn't have to sit behind the woman with the velour suit and food stamps card if you opened the express lane.

Shaw's also has some kind of shot clock when it comes baggers. I am lucky to get my items half-bagged before the person jumps to another aisle or is just so slow, I have to jump in. This half-bagging is usually a combo of the bagger continuing the conversation they have been having with the cashier over the course of the day, checking their sidekick, dreaming of ripping off their polo and lighting it on fire, more talking, and being an octogenarian. Plus, there are usually only 2 of them and only one of them gives a crap and it's not the one you got bagging your laundry detergent on top of your bread. I think the baggers don't try because the next promotion for them is the deli counter which is usually stocked exclusively with functioning retards (really deserves its own post).

P.S. If you are the poor CSR from Shaw's that has to run down all of the Google Alerts about Shaw's, don't worry no one reads this thing. And, keep your chin up, your marketing degree was not a total waste. Oh, and bring back 10 for 10 Gatorades and Hot Pockets. Thanks.

My bonus post is really only a question. Why doesn't Taylor Swift smile? Every picture she's in, she pouts or shows her teeth which is different from smiling. Seriously, type her name into Google, click on images, and see if you can find a picture of her with a real smile. I'm sorry, but the pouty lips/half smile in every picture just screams uppity bitch.

-K, the one man wolfpack


  1. You should try the Shaw's in East Boston, makes the Dorchester one seem like pure luxury.

  2. I am more ofa Mylie Cyrus and Shop & Save kinda guy..............good read though.


Just don't swear or say anything racist so I can still read this at work.