Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Viva la Revolucion!

Greek "anarchists" took to the streets to protest the austerity plans of the Greek government has in order to secure more aid from the rest of the Euro zone. First off, that's a balls move calling yourself anarchists when your argument is essentially that you want more government. "I want Greece to return to its quasi-socialist state!" Boom, rock through a McDonald's window. That makes sense. Moltov Cocktail at the police because you can't retire with a full pension at 45?!? Also, technically if you are fighting the cops, aren't you fighting the same people whom you want benefits to be restored to? All of these "anarchists" are full of crap anyway. You're nineteen, you will use any excuse to flip a car over. That's why there are parking bans and police in the city that wins a championship all the time. You're not an anarchist, you're just an asshole who now has the luxury of mob rule to cause mayhem. You know these people, they riot at World Bank meetings, start sentences with "It's these corporations", and think most people in power actively work to destroy the rest of the world. They don't have any real convictions. They just like the yelling and sticking it to the man. The mission is filled in the [Insert Cause Here] line after the protest has been organized.

And Greece, seriously, what do you want the government to do, default? You still won't get more money. Your train company's payroll is four times bigger than sales. (The frugal MBTA's is only 1 to 1). Half of the population can't work for the government. The government doesn't make money. Other people have to give the government money for it to work. Yeah, everyone would love to retire and party on Mykonos all day. But, you can't have the government slopping bonuses and pensions around like they just hit Powerball and expect that to last. And to think, all this time, you thought you were helping your people out. Now what? They hate you because you were so generous. HA. I relish this type of stuff though. Greece spent and owes too much money, but the rest of the Europe (Germany) won't give them more unless they stop spending so much, only the people they spent it on don't want that. Show down! Real actual consequences.

...But, I do want a football season though.


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Just don't swear or say anything racist so I can still read this at work.